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Artists Show Us How We See
By Alice Flaherty, MD, PHD (original article appeared in Vose Galleries Catalog for “Duets, Theme and Variation”) Many conversions with Warren and Lucia Prosperi have made me fascinated with the way artists affect our perceptions and emotions. As a neurologist, I’m curious about how the brain processes visual art. Artists teach us to see the world […]

The MFA Plays An Artful Mind Game With Its Visitors — And They Love The ‘Epiphany’
Prosperi’s Museum Epiphany III is featured in the Penny and Jeff Vinik Gallery on the second floor of the Art of the Americas wing of Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts. The gallery has red Victorian wallpaper and white classical statues. Museum Epiphany III is the central painting on the gallery’s southeast wall and shows an expression of the real-time view of the gallery you are in.

Boston Globe: “Accuracy is in the details”
Prosperi painting depicts pivotal moment in the Battle of Bunker HillJuly 01, 2011|By Cate McQuaid, Globe Correspondent SOUTHBOROUGH — Through the early morning hours of June 17, 1775, American colonists dug a trench and built a wall on Breed’s Hill. As dawn broke, the British below saw the activity and lobbed cannonballs at the culprits — […]